2021-10-15 1427
How to choose the color paste?According to the coloring object and environmental requirements, the color paste is mainly divided into two types: Sun resistant and non sun resistant. Generally, when th
2022-06-07 942
Printed fabric, also known as printed fabric, is a kind of textile with printed patterns, including cotton, polyester and so on. Now let me give you a brief introduction about how to deal with printed
2022-04-19 1068
The printing color effect of pigment printing pastes will vary with the composition of raw materials. In order to control the printing process quality, it is necessary to mix the color of the color pa
2022-03-03 1090
1. Determination of method. Although the composition thickener can be compatible with acrylate adhesives, they have a wide variety. Therefore, it is necessary to select the compatible components, mate
2021-12-06 1248
The composition of the printing sample paste of weak acid dyes, neutral dyes and direct dyes used for silk knitwear is not complex, and it is mainly composed of dyes, urea, ammonium sulfate, raw paste
2021-11-11 1193
Due to its excellent coverage, printing glue can also be printed in light colors on dark clothes, and it has gloss and three-dimensional sense, which makes ready-made clothes look higher, so it has be
2017-04-29 1693
滚筒印花用刻有凹形花纹的铜质滚筒(简称花筒),沾上色浆,在织物上印花的工艺方法,称为滚筒印花。当滚筒印花压印于织物时,色浆即转移到织物上而得印花纹。数码印花数码印花,使用数码技术进行的印花。通过扫描、数字相面、图像或计算机制作处理的各种数字化图案输入进算计,再通过电脑分色印花系统处理后,有 的RIP软件通过对其喷印系统间各种印花 染料(活性、分散、选型朱涂料)直接喷印到各种织物或其他介质上,在经由
2017-03-31 1800
2017-03-29 1542
供印染加工用的本色棉布。产业上的坯布一般是指布料,或者是层压的坯布,上胶的坯布等。 色织与印花染 色织 --对纱线进行染色,然后使用有色纱线进行织布,如良多衬衫面料、牛仔布等。相应的工厂叫做XXX染织厂、色织厂等; 印染 --织造后的面料进行印花染色,如良多良多的印花布,图案丰硕多彩。相应的工厂叫做XXX印染厂、染整厂等。 混纺与交织 混纺--纺纱过程中将两种或两种以上的不同纤维混合在一起,然后用
2017-03-25 1385
说到印花,良多人一下子会想到满大街先容的 印花,涂料印花,活性印花这些名词,这些都是从印花染料这个维度去区分的。除了从染料这个维度来区分印花产品,还可以从印染设备上区分。染料不同决定了印花工艺的品质不同,而印染设备不同则直接决定了印花图案表现形式上的不同。滚筒印花用刻有凹形花纹的铜质滚筒(简称花筒),沾上色浆,在织物上印花的工艺方法,称为滚筒印花。当滚筒印花压印于织物时,色浆即转移到织物上而得印花