Due to its excellent coverage, printing glue can also be printed in light colors on dark clothes, and it has gloss and three-dimensional sense, which makes ready-made clothes look higher, so it has been popularized rapidly. The process of printing glue is glue printing process, which uses special chemical gel to mix with dyes seamlessly. The dye is firmly attached to the fabric through the medium action of gel. The gel printing process overcomes the limitations of aqueous printing. But the glue printing process often appears the phenomenon of back adhesion, so what is the reason for the back adhesion of glue printing?
Solution of printing glue back sticking:
① choose Paste Printing with good anti stickiness;
② good heat treatment of printed products;
③ pay attention to the sizing formula. If the transparent paste accounts for a large proportion, it is easy to cause stickiness. In this way, an appropriate amount of curing agent or anti stickiness agent can be added for treatment. In the preparation process of printing paste, adding anti stickiness agent can not only prevent stickiness, but also enhance the excellent properties of the film, such as hand feel, damage resistance, antifouling and water resistance, high temperature and anti stickiness.
Article source: Zhongshan printing glue http://www.jmyiben.com
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